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Fixing up those Emails June 5, 2009

Posted by gordonwatts in TextToHTML.

Emails which contain links to images have long bothered me. I get a lot of them in my day job. They usually contains some descriptive text, then a link to a jpeg or an eps file, and then more text, and then more links.


Often they contain text that says “compare x and y” or similar. This is actually pretty painful: I have to click on all the links. Each image opens up in a separate web browser tab.


To compare them I have to click on each tab, back and forth. Never can see the images at the same time.

On my last plane ride back from Chicago I wrote a tiny little utility, TextToHTML, to take care of this:


You simply paste in the text from the email, click Render, and it will pop open one web page with all the text and images interleaved:


It also knows how to deal with eps files (it will download them locally and render them).

This thing is dirt simple. It can’t do password protected files yet, for example. Suggestions here in the comments or on the project web site are welcome, of course. Feel free to download and play!